
Games and Puzzles Improve Your Memory

Are games just a fun way to pass time or can they help you stay mentally sharp as you age – and even delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Games are enjoyable, intellectually stimulating and socially engaging – and that’s all good for you. But do they keep your brain sharp?

If people repeatedly practice a certain task, they do improve over time, says Richard Caselli, M.D., professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic Arizona, in Scottsdale. So chances are, if you do a crossword puzzle every day, you'll become an expert at them.

But researchers are still evaluating whether that skill can transfer to other tasks, like remembering a name, date, or where you left your keys. If so, fun brain games could be a component in helping manage degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Specifically, scientists are testing “cognitive reserve,” the theory that a more active brain can compensate for the effects of Alzheimer’s disease – thus delaying onset of symptoms.

One 2010 study, conducted by Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center, tracked 1,157 senior citizens for 12 years and found that those who stayed mentally active had a delayed onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms. Overall, they spent less time in a disabled state. However, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reviewed all the research on Alzheimer’s prevention and concluded that more long-term research is needed to determine whether games play a significant role. 

Currently, “no evidence of even moderate scientific quality exists” that risk can be reduced by intellectual challenges, according to the NIH. The same goes for other factors they analyzed, such as diet, exercise, medications, medical conditions or social engagement. Still, people who stay healthy overall tend to do better as they age. And intellectual engagement is an important part of overall health.

In fact, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, the best way to maintain brain health is by: Staying physically active, which maintains good blood flow to the brain and encourages the development of brain cells. Sticking to a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet rich in fruits and dark green vegetables. Antioxidants in these foods may help protect brain cells. Staying socially active, which reduces stress. Staying mentally active, which may help strengthen connections between brain cells.

So you why not buy or custom jigsaw puzzles for your kids to play with, which can help your kids' brains keep actively.

