

 Want to create your own cute wall buttons? Here’s a fun DIY project design for you. These huge buttons are made out of plastic plates from the thrift store, so they’re inexpensive, easy to create, and super cute in your home.

 You need to prepare:
plastic plates
 drill and 1/2 inch drill bit


 Mark where you want your holes to be and drill through the plate with your drill bit. Make sure you use protective eyewear to guard against plastic shards shooting into your eyeballs. The drill bit you choose depend on what rope you're using.

 Step2: Trace around your holes with a metallic gel paint.(This step is optional, but I think it makes your plates look even more like buttons!)

 Step3: Stuff your rope through the holes and secure on the back with tape 

 Step4: Hang up and enjoy you own design! It seems easy,right?Actually,it is.This custom button wall is also suitable for making adorable decorations for a baby’s room too!Click here and get more DIY ideas.

