
Summer Style: How to Alter a Cowboy Hat with Mod Podge and Fabric!

This time we are altering a Cowboy Hat with Mod Podge and Fabric! This project can be whipped up in under an hour. So grab some Fabric Mod Podge and your favorite floral fabric and get making! We nabbed the plain hat for 9 bucks and the fabric was less than 2 bucks!
Gather your supplies: Hat, Floral Fabric, Scissors, Paintbrushes, Fabric Mod Podge, Extreme Glitter Mod Podge, Gem Glue, Rhinestones
1. Cut out the flower motifs from the fabric.
2. Apply the Fabric Mod Podge to the back of the fabric.
3. Position the fabric pieces to the hat. Smooth with your fingers.
4. On the curves: cut darts (slits) in the fabric and overlap the ends.
5. Add sparkle! Paint Mod Podge Extreme Glitter over the flowers.
6. This is the Extreme Glitter Mod Podge dried. I love the different sparkles.
7. Glue a ribbon for a hat band and add gems for bigger sparkle.

