

sewing machine
1/2 yd. Fabric (washed, I always wash my fabric prior to using it)
1 yd. Yarn
thread (same color as fabric or close in color)
needle (large enough to thread yarn thru)
stuffing (you can find it at any craft store and even Walmart)
cardboard or something to create you pattern with
You will want to create a pattern to the desired size and shape of cactus you are wanting. I did the basic cactus shape and basically free handed my drawing onto a manila folder. The folder was a perfect height for the size of pillow that I was going for. If you are having trouble drawing a cactus I recommend that you view this tutorial。

Next you will want to pin you pattern down onto your fabric and cut around it. If tracing your pattern is easier, feel free to trace your pattern onto your fabric.

Be sure to secure your pins before cutting!

Now you should have something that looks like this… If the edges aren’t perfect don’t worry. You will sew about 1/4 of an inch in so they won’t be seen!

Next you will want to pin your fabric so it stays in place when sewing and sew around the entire perimeter of the cactus leaving a small opening at the “stem” where you will insert your stuffing. Be sure to sew 1/4 of an inch in using a basic stitch.

Trim any threads and turn your cactus inside out so the seams are hidden.
Give the cactus a good ironing and begin stuffing your cactus. You will want the cactus to be pretty firm so put plenty of stuffing in it. And remember a little goes a long way with stuffing!

After you stuff the cactus, sew up the bottom of the cactus. You can either hand stitch the bottom or run it under your machine like I did… Probably not the prettiest finish, but it will do.

Lastly you are going to want to create your “thorns” for your cactus. To do this you will need to thread a needle with a small piece of yarn (maybe 4in or so) thru the fabric. Leave a small amount of fabric between the holes (shown above) because you are going to tie the yarn in a double knot.

Repeat this step for the entire cactus until you have the amount of “thorns” you want for your cactus.

And that’s it! Pretty easy huh!? Now it’s time to show off your hard work! ??

What do you think? Do you like this DIY cactus <a target="_blank" href="http://www.snapmade.com/custom/pillows+home_pets" style="color:#0060A1;" >pillow</a>? Are you as crazy about cactuses as I am? 

