

I am so excited to share one of my favorite photo DIY projects.
This DIY is incredibly simple and inexpensive to make – all you need is a photograph, a white canvas, colorful washi tape and a few tools listed below.
DIY Photo Project – What You Need Photos Washi tape {similar to colored masking tape} Square white canvas {I used an 8X6 version} Scissors Ruler Pencil Instructions:
First and foremost, arrange to print out your photos. I, of course, used Shutterfly, my go-to site for printing pictures.
Next, gather all materials and set up shop in a roomy workstation, I used my kitchen table {gotta love city living!}.
Before getting started on the design, you need to mount the photo. The easiest way to do this is to take a ruler and measure the sides of your canvas, leaving a small pencil mark in the center of each side. Next, measure the sides of your photo, leaving a small pencil indent in the center of each side.
Next, line up the dots and secure the photo using craft glue. Let the fun begin! How you use the washi tape is entirely up to you. I created a pattern using vertical, horizontal, and diagonals lines. I cut the washi tape in half for the picture boarder {see photos below}. Note: If you’ve never used washi tape before, it’s about as adhesive as a Post-it note and is easily removable.
Most tapes are sheer, so keep that in mind when choosing certain patterns and colors. Lastly, the simplest designs consist of straight lines and diagonals. There are so many different home décor ideas out there, so just focus on letting your creativity shine! Whether you decide to use washi tape like I did or another type of adornment, remember to allow your photos and most importantly the memories to take center stage with these picture frame ideas!


Sweet Potato & Leek Pancakes

This ersatile dish of Sweet Potato & Leek Pancakes with Smoky Baked Beans
is perfect for breakfast, brunch or lunch and is even hearty enough for dinner too! It's also a favourite of the vegetarian in my life. It works well prepared ahead of time should you be entertaining, you can simply reheat the pancakes and beans and serve with minimal effort and fuss.
 Feeds: 4 Preparation time: 10 - 15 minutes Cooking time: 7 - 10 minutes 

1 large leek, cut in half and sliced into thin long strips Large knob of butter
2 small to medium sized sweet potatoes, peeled and coarsely grated 2 spring onions, cut in half then into thin strips ½ zest of lemon Generous sprinkle of sea salt flakes, freshly ground black pepper and a good dash of white pepper
3 organic free range eggs, whisked
4 tablespoons of rice flour (for a gluten-free option) or plain flour Vegetable oil for frying Pot of crème fraîche to serve Boston style baked beans: Glug of olive oil ½ white onion, diced 1 clove of garlic, crushed and finely chopped 1 tin of cannellini beans or haricot beans 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika ½ tin of tomatoes ½ pint of vegetable stock 1 teaspoon of molasses Generous sprinkle of sea salt flakes and black pepper 1 tablespoon freshly chopped oregano

PREPARATION: Begin by melting your butter in a frying pan, add in the shredded leeks and cook over a medium to heat until soft, this should take four to five minutes. Next, combine the grated sweet potatoes, spring onions, lemon zest, seasoning and cooked leeks.
Once you've thoroughly combined all ingredients add in the whisked eggs, again mixing well so all ingredients are now evenly coated in egg. Gradually add the flour until you have a relatively thick and sticky consistency. Heat the vegetable oil in a large frying pan. You ideally want between one and two centimeters depth of oil. Test that it's hot enough by adding a small dollop of the mixture - this should fizz and float to the top. It's also good at this point to check the seasoning of your cooked mixture and adjust if necessary.
When you're happy with your sweet potato and leek mixture begin to gently spoon generous tablespoonfuls into the hot oil, leaving a little room for them to spread out either side. Cook for around two to three minutes on each side or until golden. Once cooked gently transfer to paper towel to absorb some of the oil. You can keep these warm in the oven if you're cooking these up in batches. For the Boston style baked beans, add a glug of olive oil to a pan and allow to heat before adding in the chopped onions and garlic. Sweat for several minutes and then add the beans, tinned tomatoes, stock, smoked paprika, seasoning and molasses and cook over a medium heat for 20 to 25 minutes, finally add in the fresh oregano.
Serve the sweet potato pancakes with a generous dollop of Boston style baked beans and another generous dollop of crème fraîche with a little extra freshly ground black pepper.


Summer Style: How to Alter a Cowboy Hat with Mod Podge and Fabric!

This time we are altering a Cowboy Hat with Mod Podge and Fabric! This project can be whipped up in under an hour. So grab some Fabric Mod Podge and your favorite floral fabric and get making! We nabbed the plain hat for 9 bucks and the fabric was less than 2 bucks!
Gather your supplies: Hat, Floral Fabric, Scissors, Paintbrushes, Fabric Mod Podge, Extreme Glitter Mod Podge, Gem Glue, Rhinestones
1. Cut out the flower motifs from the fabric.
2. Apply the Fabric Mod Podge to the back of the fabric.
3. Position the fabric pieces to the hat. Smooth with your fingers.
4. On the curves: cut darts (slits) in the fabric and overlap the ends.
5. Add sparkle! Paint Mod Podge Extreme Glitter over the flowers.
6. This is the Extreme Glitter Mod Podge dried. I love the different sparkles.
7. Glue a ribbon for a hat band and add gems for bigger sparkle.




sewing machine
1/2 yd. Fabric (washed, I always wash my fabric prior to using it)
1 yd. Yarn
