
Steve Jobs Would Make Things Different If He Is Still Alive

Steve Jobs Would Make Things Different If He Is Still Alive

iPhones would still be tiny.

The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and 5.5-inch 6 Plus are the biggest Apple has ever made, as considerably as the fastest-selling iPhones ever. But they wouldn’t have existed if Steve had had his way.

In a July 2010 press conference following the Antennagate debacle, Jobs admitted that a larger handset might have headed off the reception problems that plagued the iPhone 4 but declared that no one would buy a phone “so big you can’t draw your hired man round it.” A variant of this became the tagline “No one is going to buy a big fan,” included in Samsung’s snarky advert for the Galaxy Note palette.

iPad would still be big.

Jobs said that they believe the current crop of 7-inch tablets were working to be DOA, dead on reaching. These words came straight from the Jobs’ mouth in an October 2010 conference call with Wall Street analysts. Only a year after the CEO’s passing, Apple went out front and began selling the iPad mini (a mere nine-tenths of an inch larger than those 7-inches). The mini became a hit with consumers, with cheaper, smaller, and lighter iPad even eventually showing better sales numbers than Jobs’ beloved 10-inch model.

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