
How much does it cost to charge new iPhones?

How much does it cost to charge new iPhones?

Opower’s Barry Fischer wrote in a web log spot on Thursday that iPhone 6 Plus may bend in your sack, but it won’t bend your energy bill higher. We’ll forgive him for that one-liner, though, because it was written alongside a real interesting place that shares the results of Opower’s study examining how much it costs to charge the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus regularly for a twelvemonth. Neither phone has class-leading battery life, and all that charging must add up, right?

Don’t care, it’s really a lot cheaper than you might imagine. Granting to the company’s study, it contains about 10.5 watt-hours of electricity to fully load the iPhone 6. Using the U.S. average retail price of electricity, which is 12.29 cents per kilowatt-hour, that means fully charging your iPhone 6 once each day for a full year will cost a total of… $0.47. The iPhone 6 Plus needs a little more juice to fill its larger battery, and it’ll cost you $0.52 per year as a consequence.

Opower noted that an average laptop uses 14 times more electricity per year than the iPhone 6, a desktop uses 49 times more power, an Xbox One takes 61 times more energy to work and an HDTV uses 71 times more juice per year.

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