
DIY Mugs by Porcelain Paint

Want to customise mugs as perfect quick and easy gifts for your friends? We know that it just isn’t always easy to find mugs that epitomise you as a person. So what’s the solution? You should decorate your own! Customising mugs is far simpler than you’d imagine.

You need to prepare:

a plain mug
porcelain paints
an oven


Step1: Select your porcelain paints in colours of your choice. You’ll also need to get together a mixing plate, a cup of water, and a thin paintbrush.

Step2: Add a little porcelain paint to your mixing plate, then dilute it with some water. If you want several shades of a colour, you can keep amending the hue as you go along.

Paint your design onto the mug, then leave it to dry completely for about 24 hours.

Put the mug into the oven for about 40 minutes at 160°C. You should place the mug in the oven before you turn it on and then leave it to cool down completely in the oven after you turn the temperature off. This process should make the mug dishwasher safe!

Personalised mugs are thoughtful gifts – why not give them a go?

