
Custom Picture Clock


- Your favorite photo
- Mod Podge
- Paint that matches your photo, or a color that contrasts to add a definite border around the clock as well as covers the raw wood
- Clock parts
- MDF board


1. Cut your image to size and take a picture of your incredibly talented, cute and pregnant crafter in crime.

2. Paint the edges of the board so that when the photo is on it there is no raw wood showing through.

3. After the paint is dry completely cover the wood in mod podge and then attach the photo. The best way to get rid of those bubbles without ruining your photo is to place something between your hand and the photo that won't stick.

4. Once the mod podge is set, cover the top of the photo in mod podge.

5. Let the mod podge dry and then it is time to drill holes for the clock parts to go through.

6. After the hole is drilled, put the clock together and take a good look at all your hard work.

OK. Done! Give this personalized gift to your friends or family.

