
Make Your Own Custom Towel


- A stencil
- Towels (washed & ironed)
- Acrylic paint
- Dura-Lar
- Foam brush
- Small paintbrush
 - Masking tape
- X-acto knife
- A cutting surface
- An iron & a dryer


1. Decide what you'd like stenciled on your towel. I wanted lettering only, so I printed out my phrases in the desired font & size. Tape your stencil onto your cutting surface. Lay a piece of dura-lar on top of your stencil, & tape into place.

2. Cut out your stencil with an x-acto knife. Be careful with letters like "O" & "A" as the middle of the letter needs to be preserved. I left a section of mylar uncut connecting the middle of the letter to the main stencil.

3. Position your stencil over your tea towel. Using a foam brush, dab your stencil with acrylic paint.

4. If you had to convert any of your lettering into a stencil shape (i.e. A's & O's), fill in the unpainted areas using a small paintbrush. Wait for paint to dry. A hairdryer can speed up this process.

5. After the paint has completely dried, heat-set with a dry iron on a cotton setting. Further heat-set by running in the dryer for about 10-15 minutes.

OK, that's it! Custom towel with your own design.

