
Easy St. Patrick’s Day T-Shirt DIY

With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to pull out your best green outfits and your pots o’gold! This easy St. Patrick’s Day custom t-shirt makes a great party craft, and is fabulous for kids of all ages!


The Power of Writing Down Your Goals

Every time I meet with a new client, I have them do one thing before anything else: Write down their personal goals, their professional goals and their physical goals.

I’ve been writing down what I want since the beginning of my career, and honestly, it’s so amazing because everything I’ve written down has happened. I started this habit in college because I loved Oprah, Deepak Chopra, The Power of Now.


10 Easy Ways to Stop Eating So Much Sugar

Do you think there’s no way that stat could include a health-conscious person like yourself? You may want to take a closer look at your plate. Even if you’re not downing sleeves of cookies or guzzling cans of soda, that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. In fact, added sugar often lurks in the places you’d least expect it—in “wholesome” bread, your go-to “healthy” snack bar and your post-workout smoothie—and it may be just the reason you can’t get that flat belly you’ve been working on.

The good news is that it’s possible to cut back. To help you do just that (and ward off tooth decay, diabetes and high blood pressure), we’ve compiled a list of easy ways to slash your sugar intake without sacrificing the deliciousness of all your favorite foods.


People Who Exercise May Have Bigger Brains

Yet another reason to exercise: the bigger the workout, the bigger the brain 

Here’s good motivation to get up and move more, even in the dead of winter: a new study published in the journal Neurology found that people who weren’t as physically active in midlife had smaller brains than their peers 20 years later. 

In the new study, the researchers looked at 1,583 men and women who didn’t have dementia or heart disease. They worked out on a treadmill to assess their fitness levels. Then, 20 years later, the people in the study did another treadmill fitness test and had brain scans.

The brain scans revealed that people with a lower exercise capacity — defined as the amount of time people could exercise on the treadmill before their heart rate hit a certain threshold — in midlife were more likely to have smaller brains years later, compared with people who had high fitness levels in middle age. They also found that people whose blood pressure and heart rate went up more during exercise were more likely to have smaller brains down the line. Higher-than-average blood pressure and heart-rate spikes could indicate a lack of physical fitness.

People in the study only had brain scans at the end of the trial, which means the researchers couldn’t say whether their brains had gotten smaller over time. But past research has shown that exercise makes the brain better able to combat cognitive decline.

It’s not yet known at what point in life exercise is most critical for brain volume, the authors say. “We are not able to tell from our study whether fitness in midlife or later life matters more,” says study author Nicole Spartano, a postdoctoral fellow at the Boston University School of Medicine. “In future studies I would like to explore this distinction, to see whether one is more important than the other. But it is likely that both are important.”

Looking for some custom tank top for exercise? Come to snapmade.com.


This Is the 1 Thing Ruining Your Relationship

Avoid this cognitive trap

Those of us who spend our lives helping people with their relationships talk a lot about behaviors. We encourage couples to say this instead of that and to act in this way instead of in that way. We also talk a lot about emotions – how to manage them and express them in constructive ways.

While behaviors and emotions matter in relationships, the emphasis we put on them forces one of our central human attributes onto the back burner: our thoughts.


7 Body Language Tricks to Make People Like You

How to capture attention without saying a word?

There’s no question that body language is important.

We’ve selected the best body-language techniques and shared them below.


Make the Hoodie By Yourself


- Hoodie pattern pieces
- knit fabric
- rib knit Separating zipper
- Twill tape
- Coordinating thread
- Zipper foot