
DIY Valentine’s Coffee Mugs

How about surprising your loved ones with something homemade this year? We’ve come up with a couple of techniques for you to choose from to make a fun & fancy Valentine’s Day mug. Check out our instructions and make it on your own!

DIY Lace Up T-Shirt

This whole DIY idea came to me at 4:00am this week, while I was forcing myself not to fall back asleep because I had a horrific dream and didn't want it to continue. Anybody else have those nights? So I found myself surfing the internet on my phone and I came across a regular t-shirt but it had a laced-up center.


The World's Easiest DIY Bookmarks

I love craft projects. I have a whole closet dedicated to meticulously labelled craft supplies, which I have been lovingly collecting since I was a child, and dreaming about spending long, leisurely afternoons with my friends, assembling original creations, as we chat.