

As for the DIY Diptyque candles, you will need:

– A glass tumbler
– Wax beads
– A wick
– Tape
– A knitting needle or pen
– Essential oils




- leather
- topstitching thread
- scissors
- stitching awl
- e6000 glue
- needle
- tape



Be Careful When You Take Selfie Millions of people across the world everyday hold up their cameras or mobile phone (custom phone case at snapmade.com) to snap selfies to share with their friends.


5 Things the People Reading Your Resume

1. If your relevant experience, education, or skills are hard to find at a glance, your resume might as well be blank.



Loneliness is a Killer

Feeling lonely can ‘vastly elevate’ a person's risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer, scientists warn.

Lacking a network of friends or family is as dangerous to your health as a lack of physical inactivity in youth or diabetes in old age, their research found. 

Scientists from the University of North Carolina examined the association between relationships and healthiness across each life stage.

They determined that weak relationships in younger years can increase your risk of inflammation – at the same rate as lack of exercise.

Furthermore, hypertension in old age is more likely to occur as a result of loneliness than clinical risk factors, including diabetes.

Yet, people who have the support of loved ones are less likely to develop health conditions – and more likely to have a longer life expectancy.

Dr Kathleen Mullan Harris, of UNC and the Carolina Population Center, said: ‘Based on these findings, it should be as important to encourage adolescents and young adults to build broad social relationships and skills for interacting with others as it is to eat healthy and be physically active.’

Previous studies found that aging adults live longer if they have more social connections.

The new study builds on that research – demonstrating how social relationships reduce the risk of poor health at each stage of life.

The size of a person’s social network is important for health in early and late adulthood.

Social integration in adolescence was found to protect against abdominal obesity.
Researchers found body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference were higher among those with lower levels of social integration during adolescence.

And, in old age, social isolation can exacerbate a host of health problems, they said.

But, in middle adulthood, the number of social connections do not appear to matter as much as the level of support or strain they provide.

Dr Harris said: ‘The relationship between health and the degree to which people are integrated in large social networks is strongest at the beginning and at the end of life, and not so important in middle adulthood, when the quality, not the quantity, of social relationships matters.’

(Seeking some funny things? Come to Snapmade to create some personalized things with your your design.)


How to Become a Morning Person

It’s early and dark. The alarm sounds, and you reach over to switch it off. After a short pause, you sit up. You swing your legs off the bed, touch the floor with your feet, and reach for your phone. You sit quietly while your phone’s screen illuminates the dark bedroom. There are a few notifications waiting—new emails, a Twitter reply, a prediction of rain. You look at your messages, the news, and the weather. “I’m half asleep,” you think. “I’ll just look at Twitter while I wake up.” Ten minutes pass, then another five. You’re not asleep, but you’re not really awake either.