
Study Tips to Stick to This Fall

Fall semester has begun, and just weeks into new classes, we are already overwhelmed. While juggling classes, clubs, internships, volunteer work, spending time with friends, calling home to the family and having time to relax, we’re in over our heads from the get-go.


Make Glitter Tumbler by Yourself No matter who you are, if you needs a cup, tumbler is always a good choice. It can hold hot and cold liquids, and easy to travel with. You can easily make your own glitter tumbler by yourself.



How to Make a Wall Mirror

Today I want to show you guys a very funny diy project - diy wall mirror. It is very cool! Now let's get started:


World Beard Day

Bearded folks and the people who love them are celebrating facial hair Saturday for World Beard Day.

Whether you prefer a goatee, Van Dyke, mutton chops, or chin curtain, there are various ways to mark the annual event, which falls on the first Saturday in September.

First, make sure you brush up on beard facts. The longest beard in the world, grown by Hans Langseth in 1927, was a staggering 17 feet 6 inches long. The Smithsonian Museum in Washington has his beard in storage. The second longest beard measured in at 12 feet long.

It's a made for social media holiday, with bros, sports teams and even women sharing their most impressive whiskers.

Whatever you do at World Beard Day, don't break the honored rule, no shaving!

If you want to make some personalized gifts to celebrate the World Beard Day, you can come to snapmade.com. Here you can customize the personalized mugs, t-shirts, hats.....with the beard design. Wow, that's cool!

Stress at Work is as Bad as Secondhand Smoke

According to a new study, workplace stress isn't just annoying -- it's as bad for your health as secondhand smoke.


Is this the saddest little bookworm in the world?

It's not unusual for readers to wipe away tears of emotion after finishing a good novel. But look at the picture, this baby who wear a blue 'The snuggle is real' custom t-shirt may just lay claim to being the saddest little bookworm in the world.

Adorable footage has emerged of a young mother, reading her tiny child a story - only for the tot to burst into tears when it comes to an end.

The unnamed mother and baby sit on the floor as she reads out a children's tale called 'I am a Bunny' which appears to captivate the youngster.

The child can only be calmed when his mother reopens the book and starts to read once more saying 'let's read it again'.

But with the last page-turn the baby is in tears once more - almost inconsolable as the story finishes.

As the video pans to the baby's loving mother, she smiles and shrugs her shoulders as though it is not an uncommon occurrence.

The video, which has been widely shared on the internet, then shows four other occasions when the child has had a meltdown when a story ends.

The baby is so cute!!!